Acidification, power plants, fossils fuels, potential hydrogen, aquatic ecosystem, creating toxins, sediments water exchange, biogeochemistry, water pollutionAbstract
Rainwater turns like vinegar. It happens because when we burn things like coal or gas they release sulphur and nitrogen oxides into the air. When sulphuric acid and nitric acid mix with air, they create acids. The acid rainwater comes down with raindrops becomes slightly acidic like vinegar. More reasons when they come down soil become more acidic. This causes environment problem to many plants and animals that prefer soil, which is not acidic. When the acidic soil wash away important nutrients that plants need to grow.
Acidification of water is bad for fish and other water creatures. It also affects people indirectly. Acid rain harms everything in nature and even damages buildings. Luckily, we have been able to lessen the problem by reducing the stuff that causes acid rain and using lime in some cases over the past 20 years. We wanted to understand how much people are studying acid rain because it is big concern with more factories and cities. I have researched found that more and more people are paying attention to acid rain. People are more and more putting attention to soil and plant are affecting and how land and water change. Acid rain is known for making soil and water more acidic, especially in places like North America and northern Europe. But it is not just the rain causing the acidity. Natural processes and past human activities have already made the soil acidic made the soil acidic in many areas. In some places, like regions affected by careless land use, there been recovery from the damage done, but acid rain adds another layer of acidity on top of what already there. So, when we are trying to figure out how much good it will do to cut down on the pollutants causing acid rain we need to look closely at how these pollutants interact with already acidic soil and the plants growing in that soil especially on a local level like a watershed.